Answers to our most asked ATM questions
Who gets the surcharge?
Usually the owner of the ATM gets the total surcharge because they also own the location of the ATM. If the ATM is owned by us then we share it with the location. The share is dependent on the number of transactions and the surcharge.
Can the surcharge be split?
Yes. If we pay for the machine and you put your cash into it. Your part is deposited every federal banking day.
How much is the surcharge?
The surcharge is $2.50 and up depending on the location.
When do I get my money back?
If it is your money in the machine then everything prior to the cutoff time (usually 2 PM CT) will be in your bank the next morning.
What happens when someone does not get enough money or does not get it at all?
This is extremely rare, but if it does happen, the customer should call us and their bank. Our toll free phone number is on the bottom of their receipt. NEVER give the customer money because you may never get it back!
What happens when my machine does not work?
We will usually know this before you do and will have started to fix the problem. Our ATM’s will send a text message to our cell phones and tell us the error message or if the machine is low on cash or empty. We have factory trained technicians in house to serve you. You can still give us a phone call on our toll free number. If there is a problem with your phone line or internet we will not know.
What does it cost me?
If you own the machine you don’t pay any transaction fees, network fees, bank fees or processing fees. We pay all of this for you.
What are my expenses?
There are no additional statement fees, service charges, or transaction fees. If you purchase the ATM you will need to pay a one time charge for the ATM that includes the programming, delivery, installation and training you to operate the ATM. If it is our machine you pay for electricity but it only uses about as much as your credit card machine. We do not use land lines. We only use the internet due to the speed of the transaction and reliability. If internet is not available we have the option of a wireless router using IP over cellular communication. Depending on the agreement we may provide this for you or if you own the ATM we can provide one for a flat monthly fee of $24.95.
Do you have references?
Yes. Get references no matter who you are planning to do business with.